Staff across all our schools work collaboratively to identify how our curriculum will meet the needs of our children and ensure positive and consistent development throughout the different Key Stages.
We believe it is important to plan the learning journey of the children from Year R to Year 6. The Infant school education helps teach students the skills and knowledge they will need to continue to develop at our Junior school. This is vitally important. As three schools, we have worked together to produce a joint intention of what we want the children to learn.
By the end of KS2, our children will have had the chance to be creative and practical within a range of contexts (sometimes building structures and using mechanisms). They will have experienced designing purposeful products, making these from a wide range of materials/components and evaluated, constantly exploring how to make improvements.
By the time our children leave our school in Year 6, they will have built on what they have learnt in KS1. They will know how to use a wider range of tools, materials and equipment with increasing accuracy and independence. They will investigate and evaluate their ideas against their own design criteria. Children will understand and apply technical knowledge in more complex structures and use mechanical and electrical systems and computer programming in their products.