
Learning in Computing

Staff across all our schools work collaboratively to identify how our curriculum will meet the needs of our children and ensure positive and consistent development throughout the different Key Stages. 

We believe it is important to plan the learning journey of the children from Year R to Year 6.  The Infant school education helps teach students the skills and knowledge they will need to continue to develop at our Junior school. This is vitally important. As three schools, we have worked together to produce a joint intention of what we want the children to learn. 

By the end of Year 2 

Children will confidently work on digital devices to able to write and test simple programmes. They will have a developing knowledge of how technology is used in our school and the world around them. Pupils will have developing understanding of how to use technology safely and know they must speak to an adult if something does not feel right. This will help them keep safe and find their place in the world.

By the end of Year 6

Pupils will have experienced a balance curriculum covering all aspects of computing including; digital literacy skills, information technology, computer science and E safety. They will have a working knowledge of the role technology plays in their lives and in society today. Pupils will become Computational Thinkers and are able to participate effectively and safely in this digital world. They will be ready for their next stage in computing education to enable them to be successful learner for the future workplace. They will be ready to use technology to find their place in our ever changing world.